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Chanel 1.
Radio name: Luxfunk Radio
Web page:
Broadcast format: mp3, icecast2
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Description / Genres: Funky, Soul, RnB, Hip-Hop, Breakbeat
Stream url: (192 kbps stereo)
Direct url:
Short information:
This is the Luxfunk Radio’s main station. Here you can listen to Funk, Soul, RnB and Hip-Hop classics and specialities, what’s more, a lot of adaptations. The radios’s basic style are Funky and Soul, because we love and absolutely respect the talented musicians behind the instruments.
Logo: download it from here
Chanel 2.
Radio name: Luxfunk Dance
Web page:
Broadcast format: mp3, icecast2
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Description / Genres: Funky, Soul, RnB, Hip-Hop, Breakbeat
Stream url: (192 kbps stereo)
Direct url:
Short information:
On this station you can find our Luxfunk Parties most remarkable moments all day, all night. The Luxfunk Parties are available in several clubs in Hungary (in the capital, Budapest and on countryside too). By this station you can make an own party at home. Have fun!
Logo: download it from here
Chanel 3.
Radio name: Luxfunk Blackmix
Web page:
Broadcast format: mp3, icecast2
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Description / Genres: Funky, Soul, RnB, Hip-Hop, Breakbeat
Stream url: (192 kbps stereo)
Direct url:
Short Info:
This station includes the Lufxunk DJ’s mix shows. It means we have more thousands mixes, which the DJ’s have made from 2007 to nowadays.
Logo: download it from here